
Who would have ever thought that a small town like Port Alberni could hold such a large event as the Toy Run has become.

Many years have passed and we would like to thank past Toy Run members, all merchants who donated to the cause and most of all, to all the riders who came out rain or shine or snow to participate and made it the success it has become (for if not for them the Toy Run would not have come into existence in the valley).   

In the pages to follow, you can scroll back through time from the present to the very first Toy Run of Port Alberni.

It all began when a few people got together one day and decided that if other motorcyclists can make kids happy, why don't we do the same.  So, with the help of some of our local merchants and the support from the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees) and the Salvation Army, it all came together to become the amazing annual event it is now.

39th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run  |  September 16, 2023

 We had good weather, with 1,100 bikes and many vendors showing up to a very successful weekend. It is worth noting that the Port Alberni Toy Run is now the largest Toy Run event in British Columbia.

38th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run  |  September 17 & 18, 2022

Over 1000 riders attended this year.

37th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run  |  September 18 & 19, 2021

Although it was a wet year for the run, we still had a good attendance with 412 hardy riders who came out "for the kids".

36th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run  |  September 19 & 19, 2020

Due to Covid requirements, Toy Run 2020 was a "toy drop" event instead of our usual full event schedule. As expected, despite good weather, our participation and donation numbers were down, but with the generosity of those who did turn out, we were still able to help many of the kids of our community.

35th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run  |  September 14 & 15, 2019

The weather was not very cooperative, but 420 riders still turned up to make this another good weekend.

34th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run  |  September 15 & 16, 2018

This year saw 568 riders participating and making this another great weekend "for the kids".
